I've decided to drink one beer from every country in the world. I know it's a tough job, but someone's got to do it. And that someone is me. The rules: I have to drink the whole beer, I have to photograph it to prove that I've done it, and it has to be an official, commercially produced beer (no homebrews). The only countries I can skip are ones that don't produce beer (haven't found any yet).

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Country #12: South Korea

I got around to trying one of the main Korean beer brands, Hite (apparently pronounced as in English "height", not Hir-Tay, as I originally thought it would be) at a Korean restaurant recently. And I must say, the people of South Korea should really hang their heads in shame. This is a very bad beer indeed; it just tastes like a cheap, nasty, industrially processed lager, and has clearly not been made with love. It's quite surprising, since South Korea is an advanced country with a large population who have worked hard since WW2 to build up their prosperity (in sharp contrast to the terrible misery of the North Korean totalitarian state). They have an amazing cuisine, a wide range of interesting rice based drinks, but it seems they really can't make a decent beer (the other major brands apparently taste the same as Hite). I'm keenly looking forward to trying (if I can get my hands on it somehow) the North Korean beer, Taedonggang. If it's better than Hite (which it could well be, this is a wretched beer), then it would indeed be a matter of national disgrace!

Name: Hite
Country of production: Republic of Korea (the official name of the country)
Style: Lager
Taste: metallic and horrible
Cost: around AU$5 per bottle
Availability in AU: Low to medium
Cred: Medium
My score: 4 out of 10 industrial conglomerates

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